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Animal Success Stories

"My little dog---a heartbeat at my feet."  Edith Wharton

Our lives will forever be enriched because of the dachsies that touched our hearts in rescue, but we know the real healing does not begin until they leave our care.  We encourage, we celebrate, we do everything we can to give them the skills they need to put their best paw forward as they wait for their forever families to find them . . . and then the time comes to say goodbye.

Often we shed tears.  We remember when they came in, how far they’ve come, the hiccups along the way – we laugh, we cry – and then we always say a little prayer as we send them on their way.  We hope they find the confidence to keep that best paw forward, because we know, when they do, they will truly flourish.  It is then, they will heal; it is then, they will find peace.

If you have adopted one of our adorable dachsies, and would like to contribute a Success Story, please e-mail, and we will add it to the website.  Be sure to send us a current picture.  We do love pictures!!!

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

aka - JUNO

Juno came to our family initially as a foster back in July, 2008.  Her chocolate and tan dappled coat was so amazingly unique that I just had to get to know her!  Little did I know that Juno had no intention of wanting to get to know me or any other human.  Juno was the most shy, timid and scared dachshund that I had met to date.  I remember her tilting her head just so that she would not have to look me in the eyes.  I would have to hold her head in my hand and make her look me in the eyes when I talked to her and reassured her that she was now safe and loved.  It took at least 3 months before Juno finally gave me the most precious gift ever...a tender doxie kiss on my cheek!  I cried at first then yelled to my husband that Juno was no longer broken!  Not long after that we officially adopted Juno and made her part of our family forever.

I sometimes wondered if Juno remembered her past life as a momma breeder that someone used to make a profit.  I also found myself thinking that  I would have loved to see her  puppies.  But I would stop myself  and think that those puppies were used to make someone money and never once was money spent to give Juno basic veterinary care.  The 5 teeth left in her mouth are proof of her past breeder life.
I now embrace the fact that Juno being a rescue dog has made her who she is today...and she is the BEST EVER!  Juno's nudging of my hand and snuggling in the crook of my arm while taking a nap makes me so thankful for our time together.   She has done a complete 180 and I can't imagine my life without her.
To anyone considering getting a dog...PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE consider adopting a rescue dog.  If Juno had a voice she would  say "Be open-hearted, be patient, be understanding and you will be love unconditionally."

7505 Mystic Drive •  Sioux Falls, SD 57110  •  (605) 310-8443 •  dakotadachshund [ at ]